01.16.2020 The Verkhovna Rada adopted in another reading of the Laws 1209 and 1210

published: 31.01.2020

The following are applicable laws: No. 1209 and No. 1210 of the Part of the Implementation Regulation of the BEPS Plan:

• Provide the concept of recession to a side of the control of foreign companies on a separate control individual;

• request a tri-dimensional document structure for international group companies, including documentation for transfer approval (local file), global documentation (master file) and that country-by-country reporting);

• іmplementuvati PROVISIONS 8-10 krokіv plan BEPS schodo control over rozpodіlom funktsіy, rizikіv that nematerіalnih aktivіv vseredinі groupies kompanіy, vdoskonalennya rules operatsіy of sirovinnimi goods Shlyakhov viklyuchennya obmezhennya on zastosovuvannya vinyatkovo bіrzhovih kotiruvan Pevnyi bіrzh that nadannya mozhlivostі vikoristovuvati kotiruvalnі tsіni on takі goods;

• reserve the concept of additional payment before dividend payments, transferring corroboration for the methodology and the procedures transferred to control the transfer of secured transactions in case of non-resident transactions.

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