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About useless ..
Hype of recent times – a volcano of legislative pollution in the tax sphere, which reduce the tax preferences provided by international treaties, kill “commercial secrecy” as part of healthy competition; provide broad powers to regulatory authorities in the absence of any responsibility; form an unprecedented number of fines, future criminal cases, extrajudicial requisitions for late submission (or incorrect data) of various reports.
The fact that the norms of the newly adopted laws is a big mess confirmed by the authors themselves by the announcements of amendments to them, which are already being prepared. We are talking about laws № 2692, №322-IX, № 323-IX, № 466-IX and the draft law №1232. Actually, I’m not going to analyze them now, they are given too much attention, I have already said – this is the current hype of the economic information environment.
I want a few words about useless .. well, you understand. First of all, it’s about the ideologues of the wave and the “talking heads” that fuel the process. The point is not even that the ideas that are actively promoted by Daniil Hetmantsev are spelled out in legal norms, which sometimes correlate badly with each other. And not even in the fact that his predecessor – the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Tax Policy, said aloud that these innovations “will have catastrophic consequences for Ukraine’s economy.” Черт ногу сломит
And she, a person with more than 30 years of experience in lawmaking and practical work at various enterprises, has reason to say so. Because she, like most conscious businessmen, economists, financiers, etc., understands that Ukraine will be completely thrown into the backyard of the world economy under the rules imposed on it. Ukraine, with the conditions of internal political instability, stagnant economy, world conditions, fierce competition, its segment in production and commodity markets, shaky banking system, sky-high lending rates, lack of foreign investment – has no chance to survive on its own.
One of its few possible levers, in my opinion, is state-supported tax competition and domestic protectionism. Because our external competitors have strong state support (Boeing, Airbus), free access to unlimited credit resources at meager rates, and also do not neglect the use of tax benefits (Google). USPP, EVA, and the American Chamber of Commerce also spoke about the prematurity of the adopted laws. But young people with a grant-like appearance from the Cabinet of Ministers and committees of the Verkhovna Rada say that now we have taken a big step in step with a civilized society. AND WHAT ABOUT US? Hang a letter on the wall?
Will investments come to Ukraine after that, will production start working? No, just the countries of “civilized society” (by the way, many of them do not have such cannibalistic laws), will get rid of an extra competitor in the face of Ukraine.
The “ideologist” himself can be broken down into quotes a lot. I will not take an hour from the reader for that. There are only slogans: “should pay only in Ukraine”, “we will force!”, “You want to optimize taxes, and we catch you!”, “We will not put up with it”, “optimization of tax payments – it’s obscene, it’s it’s not fair. ” Usually on such “Let’s make equal rules for all at once!” the words of the movie hero immediately come to mind: “Of course, it turns out they will rob.”
Interesting political and economic experiments are presented to substantiate “righteous anger”, from which it follows that when a foreign company that owns a company in Ukraine sells its shares (stakes) to another foreign company, taxes must be paid in Ukraine. Based on the fact that the production facilities are located on the territory of Ukraine. And when the conditional bastard (there in the context of Daniil Hetmantsev’s quote means the previous president) bought the ruins of the former plant at auction, reconstructed it, found investments, attracted foreign specialists, developed and implemented an innovative technological project, launched production, entered the market with new products and then decided to sell it to a foreign investor, he must pay tax in Ukraine.
Only because the ruins of the former plant were on the territory of Ukraine, and no one is interested in its contribution and work. At one time, Karl Marx was fiercely criticized by his contemporaries for seeing the source of added value only as a result of the exploitation of the proletariat.
Offshore is still poorly mentioned in many interviews with Daniil Hetmantsev. The thing, as they say now, is generally “toxic.” The interviewer should be trusted in this regard. At one time, his company Jurimex supported the business activities of the lottery operator MSL, whose shareholder was the Cypriot company Evolot Limited. Experience, so to speak, from primary sources.
Volodymyr Harkusha
K.A.C. Group
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