European Commission Asks Member States to Review Risks of Certain Investments into Non-EU Countries

published: 22.01.2025

On January 15, the European Commission published a Recommendation for EU Member States to review outbound investments of their companies into non-EU countries. The Recommendation applies to three high-risk technology areas of strategic importance – semiconductors, artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. Member States are requested to assess risks to the EU’s economic security arising from such transactions.

The Recommendation is a part of the overall EU’s Economic Security Strategy and concerns outbound investments, along with ongoing work on inbound foreign direct investment screening. The Security Strategy stresses that the Union’s economic security also depends on cooperation and coordination with third countries.

The review will last for 15 months, the scope of reviewed transactions must include those going back to  January 1, 2021. Member States are to submit reports on their implementation of the Recommendation and any risks identified by June 30, 2026.


Press release 

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