K.A.C. Group has always felt a sense of public responsibility and engaged in charity events, in particular helping orphanages. Now, during the war, we participate in humanitarian projects together with the international organization Rotary International. In cooperation with our foreign partners, we take part in supporting regions affected by military actions, as well as other areas. Such measures include, primarily, the supply of generators, drinking water purification and fire safety systems.
- K.A.C. Group jointly with “Rotary Club “Kyiv” handed over powerful generators to the State Botanical Garden named after М.М. Hryshko

- K.A.C. Group jointly with “Rotary Club “Kyiv” handed over generators for the central buildings of the Kyiv Polytechnic University named after I. Sikorskyi.

- K.A.C. Group jointly with “Rotary Club “Kyiv” organized the delivery of a fire engine and equipment for the fire team of the village of Demydiv, following its de-occupation.

- Kyiv City Administration and the Embassy of Denmark transferred powerful generators to the city of The delivery of these generators was organized by K.A.C. Group jointly with “Rotary Club “Kyiv”.

- K.A.C. Group jointly “Rotary Club “Kyiv” transferred generators to the National Music Academy of Ukraine.

- K.A.C. Group in partnership with “Rotary Club “Kyiv”, organized the supply of powerful generators for a modular town for displaced people. The modular town is located in the village of Demidiv, which was under occupation.

7. K.A.C. Group jointly with “Rotary Club “Kyiv” organized the supply of equipment and furniture for the bomb shelter of the Lyceum in the village of Novi Petrivtsi, Vyshhorodskyi district, Kyiv region.